常熟市迅达亿针纺织有限公司创立于2003年,注册资金1280万元整,是一家集研发设计、生产织造为一体的 专业中高档针织面料企业。公司坐落于中国长江三角洲的旅游胜地江苏省常熟市,南靠中国最大的服装批发市 场中国服装城,北临沿江高速及沿江一级公路,交通便捷,运输方便。 作为一家专业的高品质运动休闲面料制造商,一直以来公司都秉承以“诚实经营”为原则、 “质量第一”为宗 旨、 “精益、守信、真诚”为核心价值观。公司坚持科学的生产管理、验布控制,年产针织面料800万米,产品 通过了瑞士绿色环保组织oeko-tex认证,以及SGS,Intertek,BV,UL,KATRI等第三方面料测试机构的检 测验证。主要产品有跑步系列、瑜伽系列、高尔夫系列、塑身系列、自行车系列、其他户外运动系列等品类。 随着公司面料品种的多样化、机器设备的日益更新以及面料市场需求的增加,公司的业务量也在不断扩大。公 司积极参加国内外知名的面料展,了解面料的流行趋势和大众需求,从而提高品质、与时俱进;产品远销美 国、欧洲、日本、韩国、泰国、加拿大、南非等东南亚新兴市场。 这些年来,公司一直坚持以科技创新提高运动品质,让每个人都能在运动中享受快乐为使命,不断地进行自主 研发、产品创新、品质优化,希望通过我们的专业水平和不懈努力,成为一家最能为客户持续创造价值的、高 品质的运动休闲面料杰出供应商。 Changshu Xundayi Knitting Co., Ltd. was set up from 2003, with 12.8 million RMB registered Capital. Xundayi is a professional high-grade Knitting and fabric company combined with research development, designing and manufacturing. Xundayi is located in Chanshu, Jiangsu, where is the tourist resort of the Yangtze River Delta, on the south of China's largest clothing wholesale market, and near the Yangtze River Expressway, providing convenient transportation. As a professional high-grade sport casual fabric manufacturer, Xundayi has always kept the principle of 'Honest Management', 'quality first', and 'Lean, Keeping faith and sincere' as the core values. Our company persists in scientific production management, cloth inspection control, producing over 8 million meters of knitted fabrics annually. Our products are certified to oeko-tex of Swiss green environmental protection organization, as well as SGS, Intertec, BV, UL, KATRI certifications of third party fabric testing organization. Our main products are running series, Yoga series, golf series, body shaping series, biking series, and outdoor series. Along with the diversification of fabric materials, the upgrading of producing equipment, and the increasing demand of fabric market, the business volume of Xundayi is expanding. In order to keep improving quality, our company has taken an active part in many famous fabric exhibitions around the world, kept in the edge of fabric trends and customer's demand. Our products exported to the USA, European, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Canada, South Afica, and Southeast Asia. For these years, Xundayi has always insisted on the mission of technological innovation to improve the quality of sports, so that every of our customers would be able to enjoy happiness during doing sports. Our company constantly put our endeavor on research and development, innovation of products, quality optimization. Xundayi devotes ourselves to become an excellent supplier of high quality sport fabrics that can continuously create value for our customers.